Monday, November 25, 2019

scream 3 essays

scream 3 essays Scream is a movie created by Wes Craven (creator of A Nightmare on Elm Street) is a turn of the tables on the typical horror flick. The problem with todays slasher movies is that the characters are all one-note stereotypes, the plots are ridiculous, the action always follows the same dreary pattern, and the only creative effort is in the new bloody makeup effects. Wes Craven changes all this. He reinvents what makes going to the movie such a thrill by scaring you all over again. The killer in Scream is very eccentric, in that, he can quote literally all of every other horror film ever made! He uses this talent by terrorizing certain teens in a California town. At the top of the killers list is Sidney who is played by Neve Cambell. Her past is what has makes her the killers target. Her mother died one-year back in a brutal murder, (which is somehow linked to the killer) so she is too depressed to make time for her boyfriend (Skeet Ulrich.) She is also very upset at a tabloid-TV reporter ("Friends" co-star Courtney Cox) because her book claims that Sidney pointed at the wrong guy responsible for her mothers death. The first scene of Scream, in which Drew Barrymore is used as the killers first success, makes the audience sit at the edge of their seats throughout the rest of the movie! First, Barrymore gets a mysterious call while making popcorn. Just few minutes later, a failed trivia quiz made by the killer about "Friday the 13th" leads to a murder that puts a small California community on the alert. David Arquette, who played Dooy, is goofily charming as a semi-naive deputy who's infatuated with Cox. He is a less than qualified deputy who is truly committed in attempting to keep his sister, her best friend Sidney, and of course Courtney Cox safe. The real action of the movie really gets rolling at a teen keg party - the prime location for any slice-and-dice movie....

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